Thursday, July 16, 2020

Out of Quarantine and into the Light

Hola familia y queridos amigos, 

It's been a minute. I'm still here in Terrassa and we are finally getting to leave the appartment a little more. These past weeks we went out with a friend to go get ice cream and another day we had a picnic with some members in the ward. It was so great to be able to speak face to face with someone who isn't your companion jaja. 

Looking back on confinement it was hard but we've seen so many blessings. When you are in a hard time it can be really difficult to look for a silver lining but after you can really see all the good that comes out of times that push you out of what is comfortable and normal. 

We are talking to some amazing friends who inspire me everyday with their faith and dedication. One friend we've been talking to really showed me that we can make a difference to someone else. His friend gave him a book of mormon to read but he kinda put it aside. When we started reading to him in this book he remembered his friend's gift to him. He got it back out and read with us. He started talking to his friend about the gospel and his lessons with us. I'm really grateful to this friend of his who decided to give a book of mormon to his friend because now he is meeting with us and strengthening his faith. I hope that after the mission I can still be a missionary and share what I believe in small simple ways like that. 

Well I love ya all and I hope you have a great week. 

Hermana Ross

Monday, June 1, 2020

Líneas Suaves

Buenas a todos!! 
Its been a hot minute. I have moved from Barcelona to a town called Terrassa. There are a lot less missionaries so we are in charge of about 3 areas. We can also be working in areas different than ours so that has been great to meet people from all over. There has been a rumor that we might get a car soon so hopefully that happens! 
I'm in a trio right now with a trainer and her trainee. The trainer should leave in about a week then I'll be "breaking" the trainee. They are both great missionaries and the trainer is from my same group so we celebrated our one year mark together which was super fun! We have seen so many blessings during these past few weeks!! 
We taught a guy named Charles from Brazil and he was amazing to talk to. We talked about ways to feel the Spirit and he told us that he was feeling it when he talked to us. He was so kind and we are excited to get to know him better. 
With all the crazy things going on at home I love to think about Christ and his love. He is our perfect example and He loved everyone! Shouldn't we do the same? I know that as we love people with their differences and flaws we can find more beauty in this life. I'm grateful for my Savior and his example and love. I hope you all have a great week and trust in the Lord. Dios os bendiga!! 💛💃🏼



Un año!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Great Escape


These past few weeks have been good. Thanks to those who wished me a happy birthday! It really meant so much and I suprising didn't feel too far from home that day. Well two days ago we were FINALLY able to leave our apartment!! We can be outside a couple hours in the morning and a couple hours at night. We've been exploring our area at night and it's been amazing! It's crazy how the quarantine has put things into perspective. The nature is a gift. Fresh air is healing. And life is precious. 

I've had a lot of time to study in these weeks and I'd like to share a couple thoughts. As hermanas in the mission we watched the general women's conference together. I heard a quote that I really loved. "We are all imperfect people on the road to perfection". We are all imperfect people who are trying to be better.  I know that it's so much easier when we have people on our road who love us and help us along. There is no point in judging others. That will not get us anywhere. I love the image of people on a road helping and encouraging each other to keep going. I know that even though we may fall, if we try our best to get back up the Lord will take our hand and guide us back on that road. Christ died so that he can best know how to help us. He loves to fix broken things and find the one who is suffering. That is what brings Him joy. I know that if we need help, reach out because He is there waiting to lift us up. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week 💛💃🏻 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

La Gran Cuarantena II


How is everyone?? I am praying that you all are safe and healthy during these times. 
I am doing good. Sometimes quarantine can be rough but I am grateful to our wonderful mission president and his wife for encouraging us every day. I am also grateful to have my companion. She is awesome. 
Well nothing too exciting has happened this week other than we got our hot water fixed after a week of it being broken so that was a HUGE blessing. Right after the guy came to fix it we took a shower and wow it was heavenly. Also, this a guy came to our door and delivered us a burger from grubhub or something and I told him we didn't order a burger he told us it was ours. We knew it wasn't so we had a big desion to make: eat the burger or try to find its rightful owner. We decided to find its owner to we took a little adventure around our building and eventually found the owner of the burger. He was super nice and thanked us. Ya super exciting story I know. Just a day in the life of a quarantined missionary trying to do the heroic thing. 
Ya I'm sorry I don't have much to report jaja. A little more on the spiritual side, I have been studying a lot on the atonement of Christ and wow my gratitude has grown a bunch. In some languages atonement is translated to "a tight embrace" I love the imagery in this. The Savior is waiting for us to come to Him so he can wrap his arms around us in a tight, loving embrace. I know that in the Savior's arms we can find refuge and safety from the world's storms. 
I love you all and hope that you feel of the Saviors love for you a little more this week. 
Con cariño, 
Hermana Ross💃🏻💛

These are the most exciting photos I have...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

La Gran Cuarentena


Wow thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. I really am so grateful for you all and for the opportunity in have to be a missionary in España! I'm blessed to still be here. Although it's different, we are finding creative ways to teach and meet people though working online. 

Being in quarantine I've had a lot of time to think and study the scriptures. I've seen such a difference in myself when I take time to really ponder and learn from the words of God. The scriptures have a power to them. They strengthen us when we read them, they bring us peace, and bring us closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have that I am a child of God and that my Savior Jesus Christ died for me. He know exactly how I'm feeling and exactly how you are feeling. He knows we are in crazy times. He is waiting for us to reach out and grab him hand. I can promise that as we focus more on our Savior we will be strengthened and filled with his love. 

I was grateful for the opportunity I had to participate in a fast this past Sunday. It was beautiful to think of so many people joined together for one cause. I know God hears our prayers and that he is a God of miracles. Like our prophet has said, "this will be temporary". I hope we all take some extra time to reflect on our Savior and our blessings. I know as we do this will feel a lot better. I love you all so much! Have a great week!! 

Hermana Ross 💃🏻💛

Water Color Painting while in Quarantine

Homemade Sushi

Monday, March 16, 2020


Hello everyone!

First of all, I am ok and doing well. I am in Albacete! Its a very typical Spanish pueblo. The people here sound great. We have a branch of about 45 families. I haven't met many people because after my first couple days here we were told we would start being quarantined in our piso. The government is cracking down on people leaving so we have had to be really creative so we dont go crazy inside.

I was pretty worried that we would be stir crazy by now but we have found a lot to do! We've studied the scriptures and ensigns and general confrence talks and written in out journals and checked up on the branch and much more. Today being preparation day we've painted, made a music video, and caught up on some sleep.

Our mission president has told us this will be a cool experience to tell our grandkids and I agree jaja. I know that missionary work will go on! Just yesterday we called an amigo and set a day for him to be baptized!! Miracles exist!!

Thank you for your concern and prayers. I ask you to add the missionaries who had to go home for health reasons in your prayers. It would be heartbreaking to go home right now but I know God has a plan for everyone. We will continue to work hard and see miracles. Love you all! Viva España! 💃🏻❤

Mi Compañera Nueva Hermana Haunga
Adios Hermana Lugo

Albacete or Bust!

Hola a todos!! 

Guau, its been a while, sorry. Hospitalet has been amazing. We seen a lot of new people progressing. I will be so sad to leave. I really feel like my second family is here in Hospitalet. My past companion hermana Lugo is done with her mission so she is saying bye to everyone. We went together to eat with this family and they brought out a cake with our faces on it! I was dying. It was the sweetest and funniest thing ever!! I'm gonna miss it here! Ok so I'm going to Albacete. It's a little pueblo in the south. I'm excited to see how things go! 

This week has been good. We had some really good lessons with amigos. We have one amigo who is looking for more direction and balance in his life so we talked about how the church tries to help us make religion part of our life instead of a separate part. It makes me grateful that I've learned how to make my religion a normal thing that really makes my life so much happier. 

We had zone confrence this past week and Hermana Gali talked about sacrifice. I love how she shared that sacrifice means we give up something for an even better purpose. Some may say that being on a mission is a sacrifice but I have seen that the friends I have met, the things I'm learning, and the stronger testimony I have is SO much worth it than being at home and doing other things. I'm so happy and grateful for this opportunity I have.

Love you all and feel free to write me cause I'll be on a train for 5 hours, yay! Have a great week, 
Hermana Ross 🇪🇦💃🏻